Let’s reverse how Father’s Day works!
As American’s we love to give gifts on the holidays and this Father’s Day many people will contemplate the perfect gift for dad on this “special day.” Sadly the vast majority of children, more than 50%, will grow up without their biological father in their life. Additionally 1 in 3 will grow up with no “father figure” in their life.
What if we changed this sad narrative but flipping the gift giving of this holiday on its head?
Let’s give a fatherless boy the gift of a Mentor Father this Father’s Day and we can call it Fatherless Day instead.
Mentor Fathers are Christian Men who work with their local church to invest in the life of a fatherless boy and his family.
Fathers in the Field exists to help the local church expand its outreach horizon while focusing on a critical need – the broken family – right here at home. That’s why we thematically call our ministry Mission Home Front. The local church can lend its voice to the Great American Rescue Mission™ – a national narrative that identifies the Christian mentorship of fatherless boys as being a lynchpin to the health and success of future families and our nation.
When Christ was ministering to a broken and dying world he also spent much of his time teaching the disciples. In the midst of all of this he spent intentional time mentoring Peter, James and John that they might be leaders and mentors to those who would take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. A Mentor Father is a man who understands the transformative life of Christ and wants to imitate our Savior by mentoring a fatherless boy. The chart below illustrates my point.
So how can we give a Mentor Father as a gift this Fatherless day?
Go to your Pastor, Elders, and Church Leaders and plead the cause of the fatherless. Help them to understand that single mother families are the largest growing demographic in our country and how your church can help reach them with the Gospel. Forward this email to them and encourage them to visit our website: https://www.fathersinthefield.com/
Action Steps for Church Leadership:
• Contact Fathers in the Field. We will provide you with everything they need to equip the men in your church to matter greatly in the lives of fatherless boys.
• Preach about fatherlessness from the pulpit. Help your congregation understand the need and demonstrate how God is the champion of the fatherless. Then tell them about this great opportunity to model their Heavenly Father.
• Show our Hero to the Fatherless video. Each year we highlight a Christian man who has stepped mightily into the life of a fatherless boy to help him see the love of his Heavenly Father. Please email me and I will send you the link to this year’s video and resources.
Click above to see last year’s video.
Downloads are free for Churches.
Standing in the Gap,
John Smithbaker
Founding Servant
P: 1-844-472-4241
E: info@fathersinthefield.com