Ministry Overview

Fathers in the Field is a complete turnkey resource, providing all the ministry tools and help you need.

Defend the cause of the Fatherless - Isaiah 1:17

Thoughtful, Faithful, Complete

Mentor fathers and boys meet four times a month and, using these tools, gain insight and understanding, serve others, worship, and plan a special outdoor activity (camping, hunting, fishing, riding, whatever they decide to do together) so they have a year-end ‘rite of passage’ celebration to prepare for and look forward to.

The Cause of the Fatherless

A repetitive theme throughout the Bible is that God Himself looks after the needs of the fatherless. The cause of the fatherless strikes at the very center of God’s heart and He has promised great rewards for those who defend the cause of the fatherless (Isaiah 1:17). Consequently, some of His harshest judgments are reserved for those who abuse or take advantage of the fatherless, and on those who sit idly by watching the abuse take place.

Fathers in the Field was established with the deep conviction to answer God’s call to defend the cause of the fatherless through the provision of godly mentoring fathers. The ill effects of growing up without a father upon the boy, the family and our society are profound. We are confident that through your faithful commitment to a fatherless boy that his future will be much brighter and that you will have the distinct privilege of introducing him to the Heavenly Father and to His Son, Jesus Christ.

For a boy who has been abandoned by his earthly father, hearing the healing and encouraging words that he has a Father in Heaven who created him, loves him and will never forsake him is a powerful and grace-filled perspective.

For a Mentor Father to put his arm around his Field Buddy and tell the boy how proud he is of himfor learning new outdoor skills or for helping a widow in need, may be the turning point from the damaging effects and statistics caused by abandonment.

For the single mom to know that a godly man is helping guide her precious boy into authentic Christian manhood, is an answer to grief-filled prayers. And for your church, please understand that, as a church, you are fulfilling God’s call to reach out to help the fatherless and widows in your own neighborhood and community by sharing God’s truths and also demonstrating God’s mercy.

We pray that God’s Spirit will equip you for every challenge that lies ahead and that He will richly bless you and your family as you embark on this journey and heed God’s calling upon your life.

Lives Formed in God’s Nature

We also are men, like you, and bring good news: that you should turn from vain things to a living God who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them. – Acts 14:15

Fathers in the Field leads boys outdoors, away from distractions, where they can relate one-to-one with a man they admire. We seek boys aged 7 to 17, who urgently need male role models. We reach them through single mothers, eager to give sons a father figure – a role they cannot fill alone. We charge them nothing – we are funded by charitable sponsors and participating churches. We do require a three-year commitment (one year at a time) from participants, to provide constancy. We require that boys ‘earn’ the program’s blessings by serving others. Above all, we strive to impart unshakable faith in a Heavenly Father who will never abandon His children.

I will be his Father, and he shall be My son. I will never take My love away from him… 1 Chronicles 17:13

Welcome PackageProviding everything needed to get started with your Church.

Journey GiftsProviding Journey Gifts is a critical component of the program.