In his new book, The Great American Rescue Mission, ministry founder John Smithbaker shares how Fathers in the Field engages the local church to reach, rescue, and restore fatherless boys in their community to end the epidemic of generational fatherlessness.
Fatherlessness is the #1 societal issue that is decimating the family and tearing at the very fabric of America.
This is an unbelievably sobering time.
America’s ability to be the shining city on the hill teeters tragically on a tipping point and is further compromised every day. Our country’s resolve to fulfill its Great Commission potential to be a global example of Christ’s love is being tested. What we do next will determine the very identity of our beloved nation and its people.
Fatherlessness is tearing at the fabric of our country. It is the #1 societal issue that is decimating the family in America.
50% of America’s children – over 25 million kids under 18 years of age – are growing up in homes without their fathers. They live in every community and within reach of every church.
That means more than 12 million boys are growing up fatherless in our nation – many them carrying deep, damaging wounds of abandonment that threatens them and society. This is more than just one of many social problems we face. It is an epidemic that is growing exponentially with each generation.
The family is God’s chosen institution. Before communities and before the country, the family defines how we can live in health, and harmony and truth. The breakdown of the family is directly assaulting the very principles of this Constitutional Republic.
The Father Wound
Angry, lost, wounded and emotionally crippled boys are more dangerous to themselves and others. They carry those wounds forward and fail to develop into the men that God designed and America needs to be a strong and healthy nation. Fatherless boys repeat the destructive cycle with future families by having children out of wedlock, divorce, and the abandonment of their own children. Generational fatherlessness is eroding the foundation of the family – society’s backbone.
But God made you and I for a time like this. America and her family is pleading to be rescued. She is worth preserving and defending.
The issue is solvable and right before us – directly within the reach and responsibility of the local Christian church by intentionally and proactively “Defending the cause of the Fatherless…” Isaiah 1:17.
Responding to the Crisis
“Defending the cause of the Fatherless…” Isaiah 1:17
Fathers in the Field is a non-profit, non para-Church ministry that trains and equips the local Church to “Call” and raise godly men to intentionally mentor the fatherless in their own community.
Its mission is to rekindle and establish the spirit of boys who have been abandoned by their fathers; mentoring them one-on-one in live skills through outdoor activities, and by sharing a Christian understanding of our Heavenly Father’s love and sacrifice.
The objective of this Great American Rescue Mission™ is to heal the deep, anger-filled soul wound that an abandoned boy suffers from and carries with him; thereby stopping the cycle of destruction and fatherlessness. Through advocacy and becoming a leading voice for the cause of the fatherless in America, Fathers in the Field will help ignite a revival of the local church as a cultural change agent in their communities.
Our Nation – Our Battle
Our nation, our home, cannot survive the assault on the family, on masculinity, on marriage and for the souls of our precious children. We need to reach and rescue those left behind. Our battle rages on frontlines of our churches, in our civic square and in our neighborhoods. We are commanded to defend those closest to our Heavenly Father’s heart – the fatherless.
Enough talk. It is time to put on the full armor of God.
We are a nation worth defending. That’s why we desperately need the next generation of Pastors, Providers and Protector to WIN this soul crushing battle for our families, our children and our Country.
The time is now. If not us, who? If not now, when?