Join the Team

The Tip of the Spear in the Great American Rescue Mission™

Now Hiring:
Full-Time Regional Field Missionary

We are boldly seeking strong, courageous, adventuresome, godly men who are natural leaders and are CALLED by our Heavenly Father to join Fathers in the Field in its mission to equip, empower, and train Christian men in the local church to reach out and engage broken families in their community and to help restore the wounded hearts of Fatherless Boys.

  • Are you called by the Lord to serve, to lead, and to fight for the hurt and abandoned?
  • Are you ready to be the tip of the spiritual spear as we faithfully and obediently respond to the biblical mandate to defend the fatherless?

If so, then this calling and opportunity may be exactly what you’ve been praying for – and we have been praying fervently for you.

Restoring America’s Foundation:
Reaching broken families through the local church

America Is Uniquely Exceptional but its ability to be the shining city on the hill teeters tragically on a tipping point and is further compromised every day. Our resolve to be a global example of Christ’s love is being tested. What we do next will determine the very identity of our beloved nation and its people.

Fatherlessness is tearing at the fabric of our country. It is the #1 societal issue that is decimating the family in America. Satan knows what he is doing.

The days of the mission field only being somewhere off in a distant land – are over. The days when we’d simply write checks and then, on the way to the post office, step over the carnage all around us – are over. Let us rise to the challenge and face the problems and brokenness in our own communities, and in our own country.

But be encouraged! God knows what He is doing and shares with us how to combat Satan’s schemes. We must only listen to His heart and follow the instructions He so clearly provides – over 100 times in the Bible!

The issue is solvable and right before us – directly within the reach and responsibility of the local Christian church by intentionally and proactively “Defending the cause of the Fatherless…” Isaiah 1:17.

Fathers in the Field:
Taking on the Culture Battle

Fathers in the Field is Responding to the Crisis out of a ministry position of strength, not out of weakness or distress. By listening to God’s heart, faithfully following His mandate, and using His biblical model of rescue we have built a successful and field-proven biblical ministry solution to forcefully push back against our broken culture.

We are aggressively taking on the battle in our neighborhoods, in our communities, and for our nation. Let’s face it – we are fighting for our lives and relevance in our society. More than that, we’re waging holy war for the eternal lives of millions – and the future of America.

The enemy is doing all he can to separate us from God. He’s leading the charge to accept selfishness, apathy, fear, excuses and sin. He’s making the church ineffective. He’s perpetuating the lie that we don’t need fathers, we don’t need men, we don’t need the local Church, and we don’t need our Heavenly Father.

In response, we must turn our focus to the catastrophic threat at home – here in our own Jerusalem. That is why we have so boldly named our work The Great American Rescue Mission™.

Building Momentum:
Reaching the Fatherless Across America

The challenge before the family, the local church, and America is great.

As Jesus said to his disciples,

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” – Matthew 9:35-38 (NIV)

This is equally true today. However, like with Gideon and his 300 men that responded faithfully to defeat a huge and intimidating army, over the past 10 years we at Fathers in the Field have seen the powerful impact that a group of committed Christians can accomplish with the Lord’s blessing, the support of missionary partners, and when the local church ventures out into its community, connects with broken families, and reaches wounded fatherless boys.

Today, Fathers in the Field is absolutely committed to responding to its long-term ministry vision by commissioning CALLED and courageous men of faith as Regional Field Missionaries in every state in America, to pursue every local Christian church, so they may reach and rescue fatherless boys in every community.

As Jesus left the ninety-nine for the one… so will we, restoring the heart and the strength of America – one fatherless boy at a time.

Are you up for the challenge? If so, step forward!

Your Calling:
The Regional Field Missionary


Our Reach and Rescue Commission is responding to the fatherless crisis while mobilizing the local church to transform the nation.

In addition to the focused outreach to find, connect with, and pair fatherless boys with faithful volunteer mentor fathers from the local church, Fathers in the Field accomplishes transformational training and support for those within the local church and the outstanding community.

Our defining values and impact outcomes are seen in Nine Core Objectives that drive the ministry’s unique, robust, and effective strategy. Each vital ministry component works seamlessly together towards national impact with and through the local church.

The Missionary Call

“God issues three calls to every single person. First of all is the call to salvation. The second is the call to sanctification–to bring our conversation, our conduct, and our character under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The third call is the call to give ourselves in service to God by serving other people.”
– Pastor Dr. Charles Stanley

Listen to this sermon:

Success Blockers of the Believer

What causes some people to fail while others walk the pathway to success? Are family background, education, and physical problems the real hindrances to success? In Success Blockers, Pastor Dr. Charles Stanley looks at seven obstacles to success in the life of the believer.

Listen to this sermon:


Meet David McCormick. David is just one of the many fatherless boys who has been blessed by the faithfulness of a Mentor Father who came alongside him, made a commitment to him, walked with him through his life challenges and struggles, and used Fathers in the Field’s 3-year ministry curriculum to connect David to his Heavenly Father and radically transform his life. In David’s story you’ll clearly see what the Holy Spirit can accomplish through the work of Regional Field Missionaries and Fathers in the Field.


As a Regional Field Missionary, you’ll be part of a terrific team. Meet Kevin Drewry, a Fathers in the Field missionary with a special message for prospective servant leaders who are called to stand together in this vital battle for the hearts of fatherless boys – and for the soul of America.


The full-time position of Regional Field Missionary is part of our national ministry movement to enroll thousands of churches and engage tens of thousands of men in an intentional mentoring relationship over the next 10 years. Specifically, the Regional Missionary is responsible for equipping churches in their area by educating about the epidemic of fatherlessness, forging meaningful relationships and being an advocate for the fatherless in his region’s communities.


This missionary position requires a uniquely gifted and dynamic individual – one who has character, confidence, charisma, leadership skills, and high energy to inspire individuals to come alongside him as Missionary Financial Supporters, Pastors, Church Champions, and Mentor Fathers. His personal interests should include the outdoors and he must have a passionate heart for “standing up for” the fatherless. (Isaiah 1:17) (Jeremiah 5:28)


Market Research

Conduct a thorough review of the local church community and its various ministries in your area. Identify the churches that are ready to engage immediately with our ministry and others worth pursuing right away for near-term engagement.

Connect with Key Leaders in Churches

Identify and recruit leaders within individual churches whom you can obtain a commitment to become the local Church Champion, a Mentor Father, prayer partner or supporting member of the ministry.

Recruit Churches

Proactively connect with and engage church leaders and pastors regarding the Biblical mandate to directly engage the fatherless – not just in far off lands – but also be hands on with a local mercy ministry.

Secure and Sustain Donors

Secure adequate funding status through effective missionary support / donor relationships and Church Mission Committees. Manage the budget with wise stewardship and prayerful decisions.

Communicate, Exhort, Encourage, and Sell

Effectively present and coach leaders in how to implement and successfully execute the 3-year ministry mentoring program within their church and community. Passionately present and expose the devastating effects of Fatherlessness to the Church, Men’s groups, civic groups, supporter, etc. using the various videos and other written communication tools provided.

Build and Maintain a Meaningful Network

Continue to build meaningful relationships with churches, and provide ongoing information, assistance and support as they implement the mentoring ministry. Serve as an engaging role model and reliable, capable resource.

Measure ROI and Results

Be accountable for solid execution against pre-identified goals/targets and implementation plans and demonstrate these results through pre- and post-church assessments and ongoing status/progress reports.

Collaborate and Contribute

Build and maintain transparent, collaborative, and effective working relationships within their area and with the leadership and other team members of the Fathers in the Field Ministry.


Regional Field Missionaries work remotely from their home or office as an independent contractor. The RFM will work full-time, including some weeknights and weekends, based on the availability of the pastors and leaders served. The Regional Field Missionary must be willing to travel within the Missionary’s assigned area and nationally at least one time each year.


In this full-time role, 50% of the Regional Field Missionary’s time is applied to activities that directly engage churches and men in Fathers in the Field’s ministry scope.

The other 50% of his time is invested raising and sustaining missionary financial support both for himself and to contribute to the ministry’s expansion. We call this unique and effective ministry funding approach Momentum Mobilization.

This innovative model provides a tremendous opportunity for new Field Regional Field Missionaries to simultaneously build their churches network and supporting donor networks in their early season of service. As they do, they have the privilege to impact the ministry’s long-term success by generating additional support that allows us to bring new team members aboard, expand the ministry’s reach, and accelerate the impact of our national vision – all to empower more churches, become a blessing to more broken families, and rescue more fatherless boys.

Fathers in the Field is very unique in this regard. For the men who have been called to this life-changing opportunity, we have faithfully raised donor support for your engagement in advance. And you get to pay forward this blessing by connecting with new supporters to do the same for our next Regional Field Missionary. That’s how serious we and our family of God’s Givers are about solving the problem of fatherlessness in America!


The Regional Field Missionary receives a monthly support base, as well as additional support, automotive and health insurance allowances, fuel, mobile phone and other travel related expenses reimbursed monthly.


  • Serve the Lord and Kingdom full-time in this wonderful and unique Men’s Ministry!
  • Earn a good and fair living while serving the fatherless in our own country.
  • Structured compensation, not 100% dependent on support raised each month.
  • Expenses fully paid, no out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Vehicle and medical allowances.
  • You’ll be responding to your unique CALLING to serve by the King of All Kings! How cool is that!?!


  • Possess 3 – 5 years in a leadership position with a ministry, business or other organization.
  • Satisfy background and reference checks.
  • Secure the unconditional support of a local pastor and at least 2 other Christians (references).
  • Demonstrate the ability to manage a personal and office budget so that income is commensurate with expenses and cost.
  • Agree with Fathers in the Field’s ministry “Statement of Faith.”
  • Succeed in the Preliminary Start Evaluation period.
  • Possess a reliable car, insured to the requirement to their state, and maintain a current driver’s license.
  • Willingness to travel 20% of time.


Near-Term Goal: Enroll a minimum of 100 churches (within denominational and geographical boundaries) and by raising sufficient ministry tithe support and charitable donation support, as agreed upon when a budget is determined for the region.


YES? Praise the Lord!