Our nation’s founding fathers would be shocked with the state of the family and selfishness among its men today.
America is losing its soul as boys are left behind by their fathers. Sadly, not enough ministries and godly men and women are picking up the slack in the local church.
In serious denial, we feign belief that America remains globally dominant both economically and militarily, without looking honestly at the condition of the fragmented family. In our hearts though, we know the truth about America’s infrastructure and that our safety is much more fragile.
At Fathers in the Field we believe that true security comes only from an authentic and loving relationship with Jesus Christ.
As an extension, national security will not come primarily from weapons of warfare and a battle “out there,” but instead by equipping the church to call to arms and train up an army of American men “in here” (in the local church). We are ready and capable of introducing fatherless boys to new life security through Christian discipleship.
Lance Pearcey knows the truth of this first hand as he serves in both arenas. For the past 9 years he has served our country in the Army and for 3 years as a Mentor Father. He has been called by our Heavenly Father to put the needs of others ahead of his own and he has faithfully answered this call.
In the Army, Lance is transitioning to be a Religious Affairs Specialist, helping the Chaplin as they care for the spiritual needs of his fellow soldiers. As a Mentor Father he is actively leading his Field Buddy Johnny towards a deeper relationship with his Heavenly Father.
Every aspect of his life is a chance to represent Christ, a challenge he gladly rises to.
“While it’s a privilege to serve my country it’s been an even more amazing blessing to walk through life with Johnny.
During our time together I have watched Johnny really open up. When we first started to attend church together he stuck close to me, but now he gladly serves others in the church.
Our intentional time in God’s Word over the years has produced a great love for both his Heavenly Father and for God’s people. He actively serves his mom at home, helping out without being prodded to do so. It’s been an amazing change to be a part of, to watch it unfold.”
I asked Lance what he tells people when asked how they can help. “Be willing to imitate Christ by loving the fatherless and sharing the love of their Heavenly Father with them.
Men, if you are willing to take the time to bless a young man with this ministry you will find yourself blessed beyond what you can imagine.”
Together we will strengthen and challenge the Church to be culture changers once again and to lead a renaissance of morality, Christianity, and support for strong families.
Contact me to begin the Rescue Mission in your church and community.
Standing in the Gap,
John Smithbaker
Founding Servant
P: 1-844-472-4241
E: info@fathersinthefield.com