Effective leaders duplicate themselves.
For the church to fulfill the Lord’s command to Defend the Cause of the Fatherless (Isaiah 1:17) Pastors and church leadership are required to set the example. It begins when they elevate the cause of the fatherless to front and center before the church body as a cultural battle in their community.

Jim Burgen, Senior Pastor at Flatirons Community Church in Colorado is a perfect example of this. Over 3 years ago when they launched Fathers in the Field Jim declared their goal for the first year was 100 Mentor Fathers. Because these men would be leading fatherless boys into a Christian understanding of manhood Jim knew he would need good leaders to oversee the ministry. He needed to raise dozens of Church Champions to make this happen.
Church Champions are appointed at each church to be a liaison between Fathers in the Field, the Field Missionary, the pastor and administrative leadership and various church groups involved in the ministry. The Church Champions and the Field Missionary work closely as subject matter experts to help the church implement the Fathers in the Field ministry.
Steve Thompson is one of the many Church Champions that Jim raised at Flatirons. When he heard Jim tell about Fathers in the Field and how it addresses the #1 societal issue of fatherlessness he signed up to be a Mentor Father. “It was like God was speaking directly to me, calling me to step up and Defend the Cause of the Fatherless. While waiting to be paired with a Field Buddy the Church asked me to be a Lead Church Champion, I was honored that they thought so highly of me.” Steve followed Jim’s example by taking on the mantle of leadership.

Then in 2018 the church had a fatherless boy who needed a Mentor Father and so Steve stepped up again and took on the mantle of leader in the life of Garren. “It’s been amazing to watch him grow into the man God created him to be. Garren has experienced so many firsts: First time to in a tent, having his first s’more, catching his first fish. He is just so excited, like he’s conquering the world. Honestly though, it’s the Journey Guide conversations that are the best part of our time together. Talking about how much his Heavenly Father loves him, about life in Christ and learning to forgive the hurts inflicted on him by his earthly father’s absence. It is such a privilege to lead this young man through life.”
Steve tells men who ask about getting involved “You don’t need talent, expertise or special knowledge. God wants us to show up. Our job is to honor our commitments to these boys and God’s job is the outcome. No other ministry asks you to take what you love and teach it to a boy who desperately desires a man to lead him. It is the greatest blessing a Christian man can experience.”
Lay leaders are heroes of the local church. Are you ready to be a hero?
Call me today and let’s get started.
Standing in the Gap,
John Smithbaker
Founding Servant
P: 1-844-472-4241
E: info@fathersinthefield.com