“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” –Romans 8:28 (NAS)
On May 16th, 2021 Mentor Father Dennis Dean and Field Buddy Alex signed their intentional commitments. This commitment is two times to church, one service project and one time out in the outdoors learning about the love and forgiveness of God in Christ every month. The hope of Fathers in the Field is that boys like Alex will come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and learn to forgive their earthly father for abandoning them. The first of these happened to Alex on May 31st when he accepted Christ as his savior! We rejoice with the angels and continue to pray he will find the strength to forgive his earthly father as he and Dennis journey through life together.
Alex’s story begins nearly 11 years ago when his great grandmother Lynn Williams received a phone call. CPS had taken Alex away from his parents and wanted to meet with the extended family, Alex was just a few months old. When Lynn and her husband Leslie arrived, they expected to be told where Alex would be placed and were shocked to find out it was with them. They were the only suitable family for young Alex and before she realized what was happening, they were headed back home with a baby.
As they drove Lynn sat in the back seat trying to comfort Alex who refused to stop crying, all the while calling out: “God show me Your plan for this. How are we supposed to raise this boy?”
The family is designed by God to be led by a man who serves as the pastor, provider and protector. When that man is either missing or unwilling to lead in this manner, the family suffers greatly. Alex’s father was so caught up in drugs that he was unable to care for Alex and so God gave him to Lynn and Leslie. Even at this young age Alex’s Heavenly Father was working to take the evil of others and turn it into something amazing.
As Alex grew it became evident to Lynn and Leslie that he needed more than they could provide; he needed a Christian man to invest in him and teach him how to be the man God wanted him to be. Lynn summed up their feelings when she told me, “I can tell him what a father does but a man demonstrating it goes further, faster. Leslie and I are old and not able to do all the things a boy needs to become a Godly man.” It was during a difficult time in Alex’s life here recently that Lynn called her church, Westlake Baptist Church in Chandler Texas, to seek help.
“Brother Lee explained about Fathers in the Field and I knew this was the answer to my prayers. Mentor Father Dennis would make a written commitment to Alex that would help to heal his broken heart. Dennis isn’t replacing his daddy, but showing him how to be a father; helping to break the ugly cycle of fatherlessness in our family; telling him about Jesus and understanding the love of our Heavenly Father. This was God’s plan for Alex!!”
God has called all Christians to be a Champion of the fatherless (Isaiah 1:17). His plan is that boys like Alex would be rescued from the destruction of fatherlessness and find healing and life in Christ. This requires all Christians to step out of their comfort zones and into the battle for the souls of these boys.
Be a part of God’s plan by contacting me today.
Standing in the Gap,
John Smithbaker
Founding Servant
P: 1-844-472-4241 e:info@fathersinthefield.com