To all of you who graciously invest your life, time, pastoral skills, and finances to support Fathers in the Field, Scott, Kevin and I thank you. I’m humbled by stories of your faith in action, your steadfast commitment and your love for the Lord. You are truly the hands, feet and heart of God to the fatherless boys we love and serve.
Paul urges his brothers and sisters in Christ to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thess. 5:18). Our hope is the triumphs, joys, set-backs and challenges of this year have all brought you closer to God, your family, friends, and Field Buddy.
Earlier in the chapter in verses 12 and 13, Paul’s words to the Thessalonians beautifully sum up our gratitude for you and remind us to share more demonstratively and frequently our appreciation for all you do: “…Acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.”
So, with a grateful heart, we acknowledge your sacrifice, hard work and commitment to being a boy’s hero through Fathers in the Field.
We hold you in the highest regard.
John Smithbaker