You’re Invited!
September 14th – 17th, 2023
In beautiful San Diego, CA
At the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina
We are looking forward to this soul-fueling and encouraging time of fellowship. We will dive deep into the fatherless issue this country continues to face through our expert speakers and celebrate the growing impact Father’s in the Field ministry is having in this ongoing battle.
Join us and be our guest, thanks to the generous support of others!
~ For the fatherless, John Smithbaker
Why attend the Heroes of the Fatherless Summit
Heroes Summit 2023
Heroes Summit 2019 Recap
We Are Eternally Grateful to Our Event Sponsors
Thank you for your Heart to Advance the reach of Fathers in the Field into Every State and into Every Church for Christ.
- Jim and Christy Neiman
- Tony and Carin Amaradio
- David and Ashley Drumheller
- Springs Garden Church, PA
- Beverly Cheek
A few of the fatherless advocate Speakers
Keynote Speaker
Bob Goff
Best Selling Christian Author, Sought-After Speaker, Professor at Pepperdine Law School and Point Loma University
Keynote Speaker
Col. Allen West (U.S. Army, RET.)
112th US Congress Member, Former Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, National Speaker on Individual and Religious Freedoms
Dr. David White
Pastor, Renowned Speaker, Life Coach and Men’s Basketball Referee, Alpha Male Advocate
Tony Amaradio
Founder and Chief Strategist of Select Portfolio Management
Tony is a visionary and innovator in the financial services industry. Numerous ministry organizations call on Tony to be a guest speaker to help major donors to become faithful and generous givers
John Smithbaker
Founding Servant of Fathers in the Field Ministry, Speaker and National Advocate for the Fatherless
John Wayne Walding
Born on the 4th of July, John’s incredible story of valor in the prestigious 3rd Special Forces Group includes being awarded the Silver Star as well as the Bronze and Purples Heart.
Evelyn Husband Thompson
Evelyn became a widow when her husband, commander Rick Husband and his crew’s shuttle Columbia broke apart just minutes before its scheduled return to earth. Now a noted speaker and author, she travels the US encouraging audiences with her story of triumph over tragedy.
Dennis Swanberg
Dr. Dennis Swanberg, “THE SWAN”, is considered by many as “AMERICA’S MINISTER OF ENCOURAGEMENT.” He uses laughter as a tool to break down people’s barriers about themselves and he promotes faith and family values in a lighthearted and humorous way. He has the reputation for revealing and instilling hope and motivating people from all walks of life.
Worship Band
Band Reeves
Brother duo, Band Reeves, is using their deep-seated Southern roots to spread the hope and love of Jesus through their newly released album, “Traveler.”
Jeramy and Cody Reeves were born and raised in East Texas. As ministry kids, their faith and trust in Jesus Christ were embodied and lived out daily by their loving and supportive parents. This shaped their devotion to ministry and heart for reaching the lost as they became young men, particularly through the avenue of music.