Reviews of The Great American Rescue Mission
“I am overwhelmed by the magnitude of the challenges America is facing with its crisis of fatherless boys. That said, I’m relieved that ministries like Fathers in the Field are facing into the problem and have a vision to expand their network of mentor fathers, in partnership with local churches, to speak life, healing, and truth into boys’ lives. We’re going to need them at their best when they become men.”
~ K. Tomlinson, California
“This book does a great job of illustrating an effective approach to a very complex problem. I appreciate the insight into how men are called to become pastors, protectors, and providers – even as the culture in America is rapidly stripping them of all three roles.”
~ S. Hulin, Oregon
“It breaks my heart to see the devastation and broken spirit of boys who are on the cusp of deciding if their Heavenly Father loves and cares for them, when their earthly fathers have abandoned them. We owe these boys a greater hope. Thanks, John, for giving it to us straight up in your book.”
~ L. O’Brien – Virginia