Somewhere deep in the backwoods of Appalachia, in the poverty-stricken hollers of Kentucky where children are abandoned because their families are just too poor to provide for them, Scott MacNaughton developed a passion for the fatherless. “I spent the most formative years of my life in a children’s home for kids from broken homes,” recalls more…
The abandoned boy’s eyes darted to and fro in a frantic search for his father. “Dad!” he called out. No answer. “Have you seen my dad?” he asked the man standing next to him who could only shake his head no. The panic-stricken boy looked into the sea of faces in front of him…not there. more…
It was a crisp, sunny morning in February and the sky over Florida was cloudless and bright—filled with the expectations of a little boy eager to welcome his dad home. Seven-year-old Matthew gazed into the wild blue yonder, imagining the incredible tales from space that his dad, Space Shuttle Columbia Commander Rick Husband, would share more…
The setting could not be more picturesque: it’s a cool, rainy summer afternoon on the Madison River in Montana. A little boy with a mop of blond hair on his head and mischievous twinkle in his eye is struggling mightily to reel in his first fish. The man standing next to him—a man who he more…
Eleven-year-old Masen had never met his father who left him for a life of crime that ultimately led to prison. The wound of abandonment that Masen carried was not visible on the outside, but it gnawed at him on the inside, producing anger and resentment and convincing him that he was not worthy of a more…