DTC Stories

Our nation’s founding fathers would be shocked with the state of the family and selfishness among its men today. America is losing its soul as boys are left behind by their fathers. Sadly, not enough ministries and godly men and women are picking up the slack in the local church. In serious denial, we feign more…

Effective leaders duplicate themselves. For the church to fulfill the Lord’s command to Defend the Cause of the Fatherless (Isaiah 1:17) Pastors and church leadership are required to set the example. It begins when they elevate the cause of the fatherless to front and center before the church body as a cultural battle in their more…

“Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” John 4:35 ESV God calls each of us to serve Him in both our daily activities and our vocation. I remember the day God called more…

  The best results in life are the product of hard work. No one knows this better than firefighters. They work hard and train constantly to be ready to help others in a moment’s notice. So when I heard about the commitment of John Quinn, a Mentor Father in Denver Colorado, I knew I had more…

Twins are born together. Together they grow, mature and enter adulthood. Yet no matter how similar they are, twins are also wildly different. It is in these differences that their deepest struggles lie. This fact is true in twin Field Buddies Ethan and Aidan. Together they lost their father when they were very young and more…

Let’s reverse how Father’s Day works! As American’s we love to give gifts on the holidays and this Father’s Day many people will contemplate the perfect gift for dad on this “special day.” Sadly the vast majority of children, more than 50%, will grow up without their biological father in their life. Additionally 1 in more…

“God has blessed me just as much as a Mentor Father as he has Treshawn as a Field Buddy” In February of 2015 Russ Manning signed his first year commitment to his Field Buddy Treshawn at 6:8 Church in Vancouver Washington. Fathers in the Field has a Mentor Father make a 3 year commitment, taken more…

“For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you,  but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” ~ Matthew 6:14-15 ESV Last month I asked you to partner with us for the 13th gift, an investment to help us raise and train more…

Our Heavenly Father gave His Son to save us from sin and death; it is truly the Greatest Gift! America was founded on Christian morals and values, so it should come as no surprise we are the most generous nation in the world. Who are the greatest givers in America? Christians, who give over and more…

“My dad is gone, my family is broken and we’re too poor to even have a turkey dinner.” It’s a Thanksgiving tradition in most homes to sit around and say what we are thankful for. Yet 50% of children in America won’t see their dad this Thanksgiving. Additionally they live in or near poverty and more…